Shuína Skó

Two-Spirit Storyteller & Poet  |  Author  |  Indigenous Rights Activist



dwa nepka (what’s happening)


gew a sésas Shuina Sko, noo a ewksiknii (my name is Singing Spring, I'm Klamath)


gew p’kísap dal Camille DeLorme (my mother is Camille DeLorme), a former member of Tribal Council


gew p'kûlip dal Teresa Wright-DeLorme (my grandmother is Teresa Wright-DeLorme), a former member of Tribal Council and directly involved in having the Klamath Tribes’ federal recognition restored in 1986 after it was terminated in 1954


gew wawʼiks dal Mary Silvers-Wright (my great-grandmother is Mary Silvers-Wright), co-owner of her parent’s resort presently known as the “Wright Ranch”


Mary’s p’kísap dal Esther Heart-Silvers (Mary’s mother is Ester Heart-Silvers), the founder of the "Silver’s Resort," one of the largest and most successful resorts in the Pacific Northwest, which was often referred to as the “10,000 acre ranch resort”


Mary’s p'kásip dal Lion Heart (Mary’s grandfather is Lion Heart), whose name was translated into English and further Americanized to “James Hart”


Mary’s wawʼiks dal Chinchallo Muk-has (Mary’s great-grandfather is Chincallo Muk-has), a known shaman/healer, headman of the Marsh band within the ewksiknii (people of the lake), and one of the signers of the Klamath Tribes’ treaty in 1864 (more than 20 million acres of land reluctantly ceded by the Klamath, Modoc, and Northern Paiute peoples throughout northeastern California and south-central Oregon for less than 2 million acres)




Shuína Skó (pronounced shoo-in-uh sk-oh), citizen of The Klamath Tribes, is a public speaker, spoken-word poet, author, veteran, and Indigenous Rights Activist. 

Shuína uses their traditional name "Shuína Skó," meaning "Singing Spring," because it shows that their culture is being actively practiced. Shuína intentionally prioritizes using traditional language as a way to honour their ancestors including the Indigenous elders who named Shuína during ceremony when they were a toddler. Language restoration is just one of the many cultural aspects that Shuína is passionate about teaching.    

Shuína's passion is rooted in a desire for empowering Indigenous people, creating avenues for positive societal change, and sharing the vibrancy of their culture through storytelling. They are an internationally known self-published author of several poetry books that elicit strong emotion and provoke thought. Shuína's books can be found online at and in store at Canvasback Books, and Wanuskewin Gift Shop.  

Shuína's poetry invites us into a beautifully authentic space to explore aspects of the Indigenous experience and 2sLGBTQ+ community. They are one of the most sought-after Indigenous spoken word poets in their community (Pacific Northwest) and many others. Shuína has performed spoken word poetry and provided trainings throughout Turtle Island (North America) in-person and virtually. 

Shuína's personal and professional experience fuels their determination to uplift and protect those in more vulnerable positions. After completing a Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology, Shuína Skó went on to gain over 10 years of professional experience providing direct mental/behavioral health services to children and families within marginalized communities. This includes working closely with Tribal and State Child Welfare agencies regarding the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA). 

Indigenous peoples are accessing community resources at high rates throughout the United States and Canada, therefore it is imperative that service providers, administrators, and policymakers become more culturally competent. Shuína currently provides a variety of culturally specific trainings/workshops that align with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts. These cultural teachings are cornerstones to truly being trauma-aware (what is known about trauma), trauma-responsive (what is practiced based on what is known about trauma), and trauma-informed. 

Join Shuína in honouring the Indigenous community, celebrating diversity,  and ensuring better outcomes for our future generations by learning, practicing, and sharing cultural teachings.    

Contact Shuína Skó directly via email at
